
Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

Hubungan ilmu sosial dasar dengan jurusan Teknik Informatika

            Menurut saya, ilmu sosial dasar atau ISD penting bagi setiap jurusan khususnya teknik informatika karena meskipun teknik informatika tetapi bukan berarti saya harus melupakan kodrat alami manusia yaitu makhluk sosial yang dapat berinteraksi dengan baik dengan sesama manusia dan memiliki simpati dan empati yang baik dan tidak melulu terhadap komputer dan segala jenisnya. Untuk tugas pertama saya di suruh membuat makalah dengan tema masalah sosial yang ada di masyarakat. Dari tugas tersebut saya mengetahui ternyata banyak sekali masalah sosial di masyarakat yang dapat saya kritisi sebagai mahasiswa untuk mencari apa solusi terbaik terhadap masalah tersebut.

Tugas selanjutnya,saya terjun langsung membuat video tentang masalah sosial yang telah saya dapatkan dari tugas pertama. Dengan membuat video  tersebut saya menjadi lebih paham akan masalah sosial yang ada di sekitar kami. Dan hal tersebut sangat berkaitan dengan SAP terutama untuk pertemuan minggu ke 4.

                Tugas video yang kedua saya di suruh membuat video documenter dengan kelompok saya tentang cara mengatasi masalah sosial yang kami liput pada tugas pertama tadi. Video tersebut nantinya akan di lihat di depan kelas yang bertujuan kami saling sharing bagaimana caranya mengatasi masalah-masalah sosial yang ada di masyarakat sampai saat ini.
            Oleh karena itu, menurut saya ISD merupakan sesuatu yang penting bagi jurusan teknik informatika untuk mengasah sisi softskill seorang calon programmer nantinya.

Senin, 09 November 2015

Argumentative Essay

Flag Raise Squad for a Better Generation


Topic               : Flag Raise Squad (PASKIBRA)
Specific topic  : The benefits of joining flag raise squad
Purpose           : To persuade
Style                : Argumentative essay

I.       Introductory paragraph
Thesis           : I believe that being a flag raise squad member will give you three things that you cannot get from other activities which are nationalism awareness, leadership skills and self-esteem.

II.    Body paragraph
A.    Nationalism awareness
1.      Giving more knowledge about your country
2.      Appreciating your national heroes

B.     Leadership skills
Developing your leadership skills

C.     Self esteem
1.      Learning about confidence and determination from other people’s success
2.      Being brave to speak in front of people

       III.                  III  Conluding paragraph

Flag Raise Squad for a Better Generation

The most precious moment is when you can spend your time not only to have fun with your friends but also to gather experience to create your competencies at the same time. Your youth will never return, so you must fulfill it by doing useful activities. There are so many ways to fulfill your youth in positive activities and “PASKIBRA” is one of these examples. I believe that being a flag raise squad (PASKIBRA) member will give you three things that you can't get from other activities which are nationalism awareness, leadership skills and self esteem.
The first benefit from joining flag raise squad (PASKIBRA) is nationalism awareness. Nowadays, many teenagers give more respect to anything that comes from abroad such as fashion, culture, food, dance, etc. This fact is caused by the ignorance from young generation to explore and to learn more about domestic wealth. In addition, the subject in school which teaches about nationalism such as “PPKn” is mostly delivered in boring ways. If you want to compare, flag raise squad (PASKIBRA) is like a book that will give a lot of knowledge. Of course, a book will work if there is someone who reads it. In flag raise squad (PASKIBRA), you will know the legal size of national flag. It is a crucial point because the size of national flag at every school has a different size, whether it is smaller or bigger and it is wrong. You will also know how to fold the flag correctly and also how to raise it to the top of a pole. Moreover, flag raise squad (PASKIBRA) will teach you that national anthem of Indonesia has a different tone which many people sing it in the wrong way. As Soekarno said “great nation is a nation that honors its heroes’ services”. Those words should make you realize that heroes’ struggle have to be remembered. As a student, you just have to do a simple activity but the activity must have a deep meaning like joining flag raise squad (PASKIBRA). By joining it, you will have duty in the ceremony. Even if you just hear the national anthem deeply, you will feel the feeling that your heroes’ struggle was not easy.
Besides nationalism awareness, flag raise squad will give you leadership skills. In these days, many teenagers skip a thing that is very important not only for themselves but also for their country. This problem triggers teenagers’ behavior to prefer to be a worker than a leader. Moreover, at school students get less knowledge about leadership skills that gives more proof to it. However, by joining flag raise squad (PASKIBRA), you will be taught how to improve your leadership skills given from God to you. Furthermore, you will automatically improve your leadership skills like leading the squad either in trainings or in a ceremony. There are some people who say that Indonesia has crisis in leaderships. This problem could be solved if you join flag raise squad (PASKIBRA) because in flag raise squad (PASKIBRA), your character will be formed to be a leader by mental attitude development. However, you don’t have to worry because the pressure will not be excessive because the trainers or senior know the limit of the pressure. The future leaders of Indonesia need a great mentality. So as a student, you can start it by joining flag raise squad (PASKIBRA).
Finally, the benefit of joining flag raise squad is developing your self-esteem. Self-esteem is a thing that every human has. However, most of you just like to hide it deeply in yourself. If you can develop it well, you may change this country. Oprah Winfrey is one of the examples. Coming from Afro-America family, she has been one of the most popular presenters recently. Of course, self esteem is one of the secrets because she can prove her quality. This activity will improve you to get confidence and determination from other people’s success like sharing with government if you get the chance by winning a competition in a national level. Even your seniors are successful persons. You can also reap that lesson because seniors definitely will share their success on his career to cheers their juniors. Besides that, flag raise squad (PASKIBRA) will make you brave to speak in front of people. This character will be created in yourself because by joining flag raise squad (PASKIBRA) you will once lead your squad. Of course, when you want to lead a squad you have to be brave to speak in front of people. There is a quote stated “practice makes perfect” that will stick into your character if you join flag raise squad (PASKIBRA)
Therefore, as student you are supposed to have to think further about your future country because students or the next generation are the most important thing for a country. To build a good personality of the generation, you can join flag raise squad (PASKIBRA) because by joining it, you will learn not only how to march but also how to get nationalism awareness, improve your leadership skills and improve your self-esteem. It is time for you to be part of a better generation and may change the fate of this country.

      Pasduma, Ali. 2012. Tujuandanfungsipaskibra, (Online)
      Nawawi, Komar. 2009. Peraturanbarisberbaris, (Online)
      Wulandari, Ayu. 2013. Pengertianpaskibra, (Online)

Minggu, 08 November 2015

Gejala sosial yang ada di masyarakat

Dilarang Parkir

 Melanggar peraturan merupakan hal yang sangat biasa di Indonesia. Gambar tersebut yang diambil di sekitar Beji,Depok menggambarkan begitu lemahnya peraturan yang ada di Indonesia khususnya peraturan rambu lalu lintas. Hal tersebut tentu sangat bertolak belakang dengan apa yang di serukan presiden kita yaitu revolusi mental. Kenapa revolusi mental? karena hal tersebut sudah terjadi berulang-ulang sehingga mental masyarakat saat ini sudah terbiasa dengan melanggar peraturan di Indonesia. Masalah tersebut tentu sudah melibatkan semua pihak baik dari penegak hukum maupun dari masyarakat. Saya yakin jika masyarakat Indonesia sadar akan pentingnya dan tujuan peraturan tersebut dibuat maka akan meminimalisasi pelanggaran yang terjadi dan tentu jika penegak hukum bersedia menegakkan hukum sebenar-benarnya maka pelanggaran seperti ini akan berkurang.
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